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Thursday, February 21, 2008

At Least There Will Be Cake!

Yes, in life and at our book club, there will be cake!
Today my friends and I are embarking on a journey through literacy. I've never really thought about starting a book club until I realized that I did have a steady set of 3 girl friends that I enjoyed spending time with. Then I starting figuring out more exciting ways we could spend time together...instead of lunch dates with the four of us sitting around talking about our husbands, boyfriends, lack there of, etc. (You get where I'm going with this). So, We decided to start a book club.
Meanwhile, all I can think about is my mother's impeccable taste in reading material. Yes, books included, but she picks the best magazines to read, the best parts of the paper to read, even the most excited and practical cookbooks to "read." I can only hope to instill this knowledge on my friends when we're picking out our books.
I currently have 6 books on my nightstand, 4 from my mother, one from a history professor, and one from my brother. Which leads me to my second rather insignificant point, my brother has gained this impeccable taste in books also. And though I am not lacking in the ability to judge a book by it's cover, I do gain all my reading material from either my mother or Will, my aforementioned brother.
In fact, it is his quote that we are using to name our book club, "At Least There will be Cake!" Mentioned by him to my other brother, Evan, during a letter of congratulations for achieving Eagle Scout. Of course, this applies in life as some deep and meaningful quote about seeing the brighter side of life and taking the good out of the bad. As my friend Sara (also in the book club) said, "My grandmother's funeral will be hard, but they'll have cake!" So, this quote carries deep significance. However, it applies to the book club also. If you don't like the book we're reading, come anyway, At Least There Will Be Cake!

1 comment:

mommypie said...

I'm so sad I missed it - can't wait to hear what the first selection is!

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