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Monday, February 11, 2008

Idle Chit Chat

It is a rare occasion that I don't talk to my mother at least once a day. Twice a day? Keeps the doctor away. The psychological doctor that is.
Yes, I, like any daughter, think my mother is crazy. But, I know for certain that I'm equally as crazy if not totally nuts. For this reason, talking to my mother on a daily basis is necessary. Her ability to see my side of EVERYTHING is amazing. Whether it's the completely frustrating side of being married, or the completely frustrating side of being the oldest child with two brothers-both completely different from each other. Shrinks beware! Only my mother and I (and my aunts) can cure whatever we've got.
It was only recently that my mother became one of my best friends. I could have gone weeks without talking to her in high school had she not been just a wall away. Now a days, that is completely different. I can't go 24 hours without knowing her opinion about everything.
For example, I called her just to see if she thought my snow tires could hold up to the 7 inches of snow we got in town, or if she can send me a funny e-mail my aunt had told me about, or more importantly that the website for my business was finally up and running (it can be found at www.icingonthecakeevents.net). The actual business? It's going slowly.
It's not that I'm totally incompetent, it's that, after 11 years (college, high school, middle school) her most awesome opinion matters again! Oh boy does it matter.
And it seems to matter more when I'm driving in my car. I promptly call her when I leave the gym, when I leave my work for lunch, when I leave my Girl Scout meetings (I'm the leader), and basically anytime I'm in my car. And that tangent just cost me about 4 layers to my craziness to be shared later!
So, tonight, when I leave my office after a Girl Scout leader meeting at around 9pm, I will turn my car on, buckle my seat belt, and reach for my phone. Probably to ask her how her meeting went for Evan's senior all night party...or maybe to see what she's watching on TV. All because talking to my mom is an essential part of being my mother's daughter...we talk too much, but enjoy the company.

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